Ep. 55: Eagle Eye, A Granular Approach to Network Monitoring with Tim Titus

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Ep. 55: Eagle Eye, A Granular Approach to Network Monitoring with Tim Titus
Sep 29 2022
Ep. 55: Eagle Eye, A Granular Approach to Network Monitoring with Tim Titus
Ep. 55: Eagle Eye, A Granular Approach to Network Monitoring with Tim Titus - Sep 29 2022

This week's guest on the Business, Brains & The Bottom Line Podcast is Tim Titus, the CTO of PathSolutions.

Tim believes that if you were able to see and analyze the most granular level of a network—at both the device level which is made up of routers, switches, cables, and firewalls, as well as deep in the interface—you would be able to quickly troubleshoot the root cause of the problem.

Sounds simple but there’s a reason many solutions don’t look at the gap:
There are a multitude of reasons for poor network performance and potentially hundreds or even thousands of links, routers, and switches to check across any number of locations.

Root-cause troubleshooting is complex. Join Tim as he dives into such a major topic and solutions around this matter.

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